Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Population Control - Are they still considered 'Disturbing' words?

Just like every other day, I spend a few minutes of my time browsing through BBC News. Some days, I find articles that are worth my time and some days I don't. Now that I have a blog of my own, I am happy to announce to my dear readers that I shall do my best to keep you all posted on the blogs that some days are "worth my time" so it could be worth your time too - or maybe not. Either ways you will be reading something and hopefully will be able to pick something up out of the content and utilize it in your day-to-day 'conversational' activities. Let me start of with my first "worth-my-time" article for my blog.  
For most of you "gas-guzzling" machine users, did you know that one day a litre of petrol could cost you the same as buying a bottle of Jack Daniels at your favourite liquor store? Well, I may sound a wee bit too over confident about my statement, but I assure you my dear readers, my statement is not so far out from ones that are being reported today. This Business Reporter by the name of Richard Anderson from BBC wrote an article on the depletion of commodities in the near future. His article goes by the name of Resource depletion: Opportunity or looming catastrophe? and is an article I would suggest you all to check it out. Boring as it may sound to most of you (due to lack of aesthetics in the content) it is still an article worth reading and knowing a bit about the future state of our beloved planet.

An empty bowl of food

In the article it says that, according to the United Nations, "We will need to produce 70% more food by 2050 to meet the demands of the world's massively expanding population, according to the United Nations". Massively Expanding Population? Yes, the UN is indeed correct. With the lack of global 'executioners' (such as the Black death in the 14th century or the World Wars) and the growth of prosperity through advanced technologies, development in business, rise in income, spread of 'modern' entertainment, the world's population is more succumb to the idea of comfort. The video provided below says it all. Look how fast the world grew from the Late 18th Century onwards until date. Isn't that just something we got to be worried about. My trip in India, allowed me to view things first-hand. In the city of Calcutta, there are 'Rickshaw" pullers with a Bachelors degree. The lack of jobs in many countries including developing one (Spain ~ 25% unemployed population) is proof enough why the world should not hate the words "Population Control" and cherish on the idea that China's one child policy should be accepted by most of the countries including mine. In my opinion, even the "One child policy" sounds a bit too lenient especially when you have more than millions of orphans scattered all across the globe. Of course, dear readers, do not take me for some radicalist or  a Nazi loving monster, all I am saying is, its about time we make peace with and decide to create peace for others. But then again, human nature is not one could convince with a blog but rather allow us to decide for ourselves. 

I reach my conclusion on this subject for today and would once again advice dear readers to look into the article by that Business Editor or any other article that talks amount commodity depletion and be the judge of  situation yourself then.

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